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CNG, CFL and CWA Members Pitch In to End Hunger


Chicago – July 13, members of the Chicago News Guild, Chicago Federation of Labor and the Communication Workers of America volunteered their time at the Greater Chicago Food Depository.

Working in the Pasta Room with other food depository volunteers, the Repack team packaged 2,616 lbs. of pasta into 2 lb. bags, boxed and ready to ship. That added up to 2,180 meals or 90 meals per team member. 

The event was organized by Grace Catania (CNG Co-vice president) through the Guild’s Human Rights Committee and the second time Guild members have pitched in at the food depository this year. Keep an eye out for future opportunities.

Is there an organization you would like to rally the Guild to help out? Contact Grace Catania at and bring it to the Human Rights Committee.


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