Chicago Guild, welcome our new triumvirate of local Co-Vice Presidents: Grace Catania, Michelle Driver, and Yadira Esparza!
Nominations were held at the membership meeting last week to fill the remainder of the term as Vice President of our local, and Grace, Michelle and Yadira agreed to share the position— which will be a big help, as we have a lot to do in 2024! Bios for our trio of Veeps are on the Chicago Guild website here.
Unit officer nominations
If you haven't seen a message from your unit announcing the date for unit officer nominations, please notify local Secretary Tim Campbell at! Officer nominations for all units must be completed by February— your unit should have announced a membership meeting where officer nominations can be made. If there's only one nominee, or multiple nominees agree to share duties, they take office! If more than one person wants an office solo, there's a mail-in ballot election.
Run for something!
There are a ton of opportunities to get more involved and do more to support your unit, your coworkers and our union! Worried you don't know enough "union stuff" to take on a bigger role? As any of our three local VPs will tell you, our bylaws allow unit officers (and local officers) to share roles— allowing them to share experience and divvy up work! So consider a co-nomination if you're on the fence about taking on more responsibility!
Help make our union stronger! Serve on a CNG Committee!
Is there something you'd like to help our union do, or do better? Run to serve as a delegate to our local Executive Board (each unit has a delegate and an alternate, who are asked to serve on at least one committee), or just volunteer to offer your skills to help your fellow members. Fill out this quick Google Form to learn more about committee slots and tell us more about how you can help!